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Education System- Good or Bad?

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I just watched a FALTU movie and didn't want to lose a chance to write what I always thought.

Education system in India & most of the other countries: Is it really Fair ?

Some people are smart and other are not that smart.Some pass with higher grades and some just manage to pass somehow. People then classify them as "Smart " and "Dumb".

Educational institutes specially in India demand higher percentage students to enroll in their college and what happens to the people those who just manage to pass? Those who just manage to get seat in the college for engineering and MBBS/BDS (doctor) or management studies are just surviving somehow. So many people commit suicide just because of this.

They teach us in schools,colleges and higher institutes that DO NOT BULLY , and don't discriminate people. Well that's not true. Colleges themselves create boundaries for people to separate them : Good students / bad students, Smart students/Dumb student, Rich /Poor Students.

We talk a lot about innovation isn't it ? Where is the innovation and Science when it comes to know the Requirements of the Student who is lacking in studies?

Parents should also learn about their children and about their likings. Parents just want their son/daughter to be something they like them to be. Its like pushing them so hard to achieve something that has no meaning for them even if they get it.

What I think is it doesn't matter what you do , how much you earn,what is your house like , doesn't matter what car you drive...at the end of the day all you need is a meal to survive isn't it?

I just wanted to get your views about this.

Do you think education systems are good enough?
Do they really see the potential in everyone?

thanks guys

Ķιℓℓα Ķαuя:
nice topic..
i haven't seen the movie and i am not all that familiar with education system in India...but i do know somewhat that i've picked up from observation.....i don't like the fact kids don’t study anything on their own lol parents not only pay for school tuitions but also tutoring sessions....a child goes to school comes home and goes to tutoring sessions ...they just study whatever is taught at the sessions but don’t study on their own ...i didn't quite understand the purpose ...its like ur just memorizing for the sake of exams not because u want to learn but then again there are always children who want to learn n those that don’t......the other thing is most kids go to very expensive schools where some get in on their on when others get in because they know someone who can get them admitted there (how is that fair?)
education system- i believe its not all that great ...i feel that education system is just a business these days doesn’t matter what country it is... schools just want expand to gain maximum amount of profit without producing the same amount of output. rest it depends on how we look at it i guess
Yes, i do believe everyone has the potential... some people are just slow but it does not mean they are dumb ...some people are naturally intelligent and pick up on things much faster than others who work there a** off yet it’s always difficult for them to get the basics. 

anyhow, this is just my view ..you dont have to agree to it.

Ķιℓℓα Ķαuя:
wth? this topic died too? no response :loll: i thought people would respond to this :hehe: i guess education isn't much of a deal to most  :laugh: :laugh:   hehe anyhow nice topic rahul :)

Preet ji , If I had posted Shiela Ki jawani Song video people would comment one after another.
True that. people don't really have much of interest in studies

•°o.O тîтℓєє O.o°•:
Welll je kehna hove te I can just say ki Indian Education system is bad. BUT from Indian perspective that is the only system that will work at this time. That education system works for INDIA.

In India for 2750 seats in IIMs there are lakhs and lakhs of people who give the CAT exam with a supposed success rate of about one in two hundred getting thru. So you see the competition!! When parents urge (or literally force) their kids to study, they are trying to make this success rate to at least 10 in 200 for their kid. So I dont blame them. When there is competition there will be some criteria that schools have to rely on to eliminate and parents are just trying so that their kid can be in the creme.

Secondly - Why do Indian parents only want their kids to become engineers or doctors. because India is a developing country and these careers make a lot of money and respect in the society. Unlike developed nations, Developing countries have family who are looking for roti, kapda and makaan thru careers. They dont care if it is fancy or not.
Same thing if it was a developed nation, an artist, musician, painter, truck driver everyone makes that comfortable amout of money that is needed for survival. That is not the case in developing countries. They are choosing a career that will help them have comfortable roti, kapda and makaan.

So we have to see what makes the parents, the society do this to the kids and change that rather than just thinking that it is a wrong system. IT DEFINITELY IS WRONG, BUT IT WORKS for India.

RESERVATIONS,CORRUPTION in schools - those are a completely different topic to talk about.


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