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A little thought please ?

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Without Steve Jobs we would have:
No iProducts
No over expensive laptops

Without Dennis Ritchie we would have:
No Windows
No Unix
No C
No Programs
A large setback in computing
No Generic-text Languages.
We would all read in Binary.

if you remove the hype around Steve Jobs you are left with a marketing genius who had an eye for detail. I don't know much about the other gentleman besides that he created Unix OS and C language. It is akin to comparing apples and oranges. pun obviously intended.

Any thoughts please ?

What about the macbooks? Those are expensive.

I am not trying to be biased here guys. Offcourse Steve was a genius as well but what would you do of a car if you don't have the gas to run it.

 Rani  I wish people could appreciate Dennis Ritchie as well :wow:

That's what geniuses usually do, they take an existing product and make it better.

These days it's marketing that sells product more than anything else.

Hanji thats true


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