Share pics of any indian costumes that you've seen online or really like. :ok:
I love the way alia bhaat dresses up. I seriously ordered the same exact piece that shes wearing 8->

I really want something like this, but a plain black suit with pink phulkari dupatta !

I love this new trend. Kinda like a flowy kameez/dress with a light salwar! Super cute :love: already told my massi to make me one like this :hehe:

aj kal printed salwar and plain kameez da bhot trend chalya :ok:

i just absolutely adore this suit! Getting the same exact piece custom made :hehe:

more of printed salwar n plain kameez :ok:

more of plain suit with phulkari dupatta :ok:

more of dressy/frauk style kurta n salwar

this is just so damn sexyyyy :love:

more printed salwar n plain kameez

half bodice and flowy frauks :love: i have to find more pics like these.

im obsessed withs suits that have clear net dupatta

i love dupata's that have this beading. i got one of my dupatta's done the same way!